Friday, September 11, 2009

The Truth is Out There

All great truths start as blasphemies.

George Bernard Shaw
Annajanksa (1919)

8 years after the horrific events of 9/11/2001 there are still many unanswered question about how and why the events of that day happened. So many people in America and around the world are not satisfied with the official story presented by the 9/11 Commission that there now exists a 9/11 Truth Movement. The chorus of voices is not abating as it grows and grows each day. The main stream media has come up with a sound byte to describe people in the movement as “Truthers”. The main stream media tends to paint all non believers with the same brush keeping with their tradition of dumbing down the news to 7th grade level. I like to look at the movement operating in a very similar manner to the X-Files. Like Fox “Spooky” Mulder and Dana Scully, the truth movement seeks to uncover a conspiracy and approaches it from two distinctly different viewpoints that sometimes support and sometimes are at odds with each other. One the one hand you have the Mulderites who tend to make leaps of faith and speculate wildly and on the other hand you have Scullyites who tend to only go as far as forensic evidence and scientific deduction will take you. The 9/11 Truth movement makes for strange bedfellows. Charlie Sheen recently wrote a 15 page letter to President Obama requesting a new investigation. Even though his father played the President on a popular tv show Sheen is known more for his predilection for high priced hookers than his political views. But what Sheen is asking for is exactly what groups like Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and whole slew of military officers, scientist, politicians, and medical professionals are demanding and that is a new inquiry. If you want to know who these people are and what they are saying check out this website:

The 9/11 Commission report stands as the official story. The only reason we even have a report is because the families of those killed demanded it. They had to petition the Bush administration to get one. You would think that one of the greatest crimes in the history of the U.S. would have had a thorough investigation as one of the first orders of business. It would be almost a year and a half before an official investigation commenced. The original appointed head of the commission was Henry Kissinger. Kissinger had to step down when the families investigated his background and discovered that part of his clientele included the Bin Ladens. The Bush administration gave the commission a budget of $3 million which is chump change by government spending standards. The Republicans spent $40 million trying to impeach Bill Clinton over a blow job. In the aftermath of the commission report a majority of the commission including the bipartisan co-chairs won’t even stand behind it. They feel they were stonewalled by the Bush administration, the Pentagon, and the CIA and they don’t believe they have the whole story. The Republican co-chair Lee Hamilton calls the commission report a “first draught”. The collapse of building 7 which was not hit by an airplane is not even included in the commission report. A New York city activist group called Coalition for Accountability Now (CAN) has managed to get enough signatures to get a referendum for a new 9/11 investigation on the New York ballot for the November elections. CAN is made up of 9/11 family members, first responders, and survivors. Those who tend to ridicule any questioning of the official story usually avoid going after groups like CAN or individuals with military or scientific pedigrees. They go after soft targets like Charlie Sheen or Van Jones.

Even though we are conducting war in two countries and tens of thousands have been killed in Iraq and Afghanistan in the War on Terror only one person has been convicted in open court for 9/11 and that is Zacarias Moussaoui. The courts actually never proved he was part of the conspiracy, he plead guilty. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the alleged mastermind of 9/11 and four others have also been found guilty but not in open court. They were tried in a military tribunal in Guantanamo after being tortured. They also plead guilty so, as in the Moussaoui case, the convictions were based on self incrimination rather than forensic evidence. We are taking it on faith that these guys are guilty but too many questions remain unanswered. Why did building 7 collapse? Why did the BBC news report the building collapsed 25 minutes before it actually happened? How was it possible for three of the hijacked airplanes to reach their targets when there are security protocols in place to intercept hijacked planes? It’s a far stretch to say that our government planned and executed the attacks but it is not so far fetched to say our government was incompetent before, during, and after the attacks and that’s what the conspiracy is, to cover up incompetence. The FBI, the CIA, NORAD, and the Bush administration were empowered by the citizens and billions in tax dollars to protect the country and they failed miserably but they haven’t been held accountable. Our elected Congress instead of asking hardball questions and demanding answers walked lock step with Bush in going to war against Iraq, a country that has never done anything to us or made a threat against us. We The People have been duped once again. It happened in 1898 with the USS Maine explosion, the Gulf of Tonkin incident in 1964, and the attack on the USS Liberty in 1967. If any of you out there don’t believe our government and others engage in black ops and false flag ops do some research on Operation Gladio, a cold war secret operation that called for planning and executing terrorists attacks against civilians and blaming it on Communists. The Truth is out there… go find it!

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